HCI Website Prototype Design

Adobe XD

Fall 2023

10 X 8 inches

HCI: Website Prototype

For this project we built a website prototype from scratch. Our objective was to create an application that would connect organizations such as local nonprofits to Whitworth computer science classes and match their project needs with the right class to take it on based on skill set and class subject.

We worked in small teams that would be switched encouraging collaboration and communication with others. We began by with a data elicitation plan for interviewing organizations to help us collect feedback on what they wanted in this application. After we began conceptualizing our data through the stages of user stories, personas, mood boards and more.

Lastly, we entered the prototype phase where we would do continuous user testing and change our model based on feedback.

I emphasized the importance of being informative by showing on the homepage what the website’s purpose and goal is. I also designed the form where organizations enter their project needs and on the results page they get to view all the classes with the results being divided up from best match for their project to least compatible. If they aren’t able to find one that’s a good fit they can send a message to get help from a faculty member.

This project helped me apply my earlier foundations of art classes with intensive research to create a user friendly application.